I handle your hustle so you can maintain and scale a thriving business and enjoy life beyond work!

Does this sound like you ?

Tired of doing it all

There are so many facets of a business - how can you possibly be the expert at everything? You're spread thin and tired of trying to wear all the hats.

not enjoying work

It's unrealistic to think you have fun doing all the things... you wish you could just focus on the tasks you actually like to do!

wanting to scale

You know that your business has the potential to reach the next level, but you don't want to sacrifice your relationships or your own mental health to get there.

That's what I am here for!

Hi! I'm Jennifer Kay.

From teacher to entrepreneur, I’ve built a 7-figure business from the ground up and I’ve seen the difference a good virtual assistant can make – I have worked with many throughout my journey!

I’m ready to use my experience as ‘wearer of all hats’ in my own business to help you grow your business while maintaining your relationships and mental well-being.

I can’t wait to work with you!

xo, jennifer

Let's Get the Ball Rolling!


Contact me via the inquiry form and let me know what services you're looking for.


We will schedule a discovery call to iron out all of the details and draft a contract.


I handle the nitty gritty tasks so you can get back to the parts of your business you love!